Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Friend....

He loves making fun of my short comings it is not mean or done to hurt. He just makes me laugh about them. Like I have really bad eyes (so any typos in my blogs that would be why) and I am slowly going blind. I where special glasses to slow the progress. My depth preception is bad with my glasses and horrid without them. I walk into walls, and chairs, and trip over things all the time. So he always introduces me as the blind lady. 

Then there is the fact that I am bi-polar and have ADD and it is like the what the hell wasn't one bad enough. So he will call me a yo-yo that can't pull herself to the top of the string. The funniest part is he has ADD as well. So one day we are sitting on the patio and talking about something and right in mis sentence he says "Oh look a bird!" I laughed so hard I couldn't breath. 

People should learn to find humor in even these things. I would much rather laugh than cry and I would much rather see my friends being who they are around me than pussy footing around trying not to hurt my feelings.  My friend Sonia and her husband when they found out I was going blind they went to one of those quarter machines and bought me a set of those wiggly eyes as replacements. Then I got to looking at them and one has an air bubble right over the pupil. I said oh my God if you were going to buy me replacements you could have bought ones without the cataract. She looked at me and without skipping a beat said well they did only cost a quarter. 

So learn to laugh about your imprefections they are what makes you uniquely you. 

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