Sunday, December 7, 2008


This is a picture from a place I was a frequent visitor too back home in Illinois. The memories I have of this place are for the most part peaceful. Back a little ways from the walk way stand a huge oak tree and I love this tree because it has so much personality. It has a nose and  you can almost see a face as well. 

I use to go there in the winter and take pictures of the icicles that formed on the face of the limestone cliffs across the road. I still remember one day i went there excited to get more pictures because the spring thaw was coming and soon they would all come crashing down.  Not paying much attention to where I was walking I stepped ankle deep in near freezing water. It was shocking to say the least but I figured well my feet are wet now so I might as well finish. 

By the time I finished I could barely feel my feet at all and it was a good thing I hadn't drove myself there. The pain of my thawing feet was worth it though when I uploaded the pictures I had taken they were some of the best. 

Maybe I will have to find those pics again and uplaod them here. 

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