Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I am a little behind on the One-Minute Writer thanks to a nasty stomach bug.  

So if I wrote a biography who would I write it about and why? Several people come to mind but I think i would have too choose my mother. She wasn't always the best mother but looking back now I believe she did the best that she could in a bad situation. As for why? Because I feel she deserves it if I were talented enough to do that. 

She grew up during the great depression and wasn't given many of the choices in life that women are today. She was forced to quit school in the 6th grade in order to work to help her family that were struggling share croppers. She worked in a chicken hatchery for .50 cents an hour and for a woman with no education to speak of that was good wages then. 

It must have been hard for my mom because she was an intelligent woman in many ways. She loved to read and in her own way she continued to learn what she could throughout her life.  She enured two abusive marriages that produced four children. My brother from her first marriage was raised by our grandparents, my oldest sister was in an institution for the mentally retarded because her temper was violent and my mom was afraid she would hurt me and my other sister. 

So me and my next to the oldest sister was raised in a house that was in constant turmoil and at times very abusive. As we got older my mom turned more and more to alcohol to dull her pain and escape a reality that she felt she could never change. That left me and my sister to pretty much fend for ourselves. For awhile I followed my mothers ways of drowning myself in alcohol with a few drugs mixed in. My sister was pregnant at age 15 and then me at age 17. 

At times I think I hated my mother I always felt that she was only concerned with herself but as I look back now I see a woman who had lost all hope. She felt she was stuck in a marriage and a life that she never wanted. Her life was defined by someone other than her and she felt she had always been living a lie but no longer new the truth of who she was. I know she loved us but she just didn't always know how to show it. 

My mom died July 23 1986 just five days short 54 th birthday from complications from Cushings disease. This is to you Momma I love you. 

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