I went back a couple of weeks into the One-Minute Writer and found a prompt that sent my mind into a flurry of activity. The above title is the prompt.
The question you must ask yourself I think is you were to write a thank you note to just one person who would it be? I did not have to search long and hard for my answer. Not that there hasn't been several people past and present that have helped me however one of them saved my life. So here goes my thank you note.
Dear Spoof,
It is so hard to believe that our friendship started online in a game. It seems forever ago and yet like just yesterday as well. I write this to thank you and I know the smartass you would say for what?
It is hard to know where to start but for being there all those times when I desperately needed someone to talk too. To make me laugh through my tears and black eyes. To give a ray of sunshine and hope through the dark well I was in. For talking to me while I was waiting for my sleeping pills to kick in so I could sleep and not wake up screaming.
However what I want to thank you the most for is that fateful afternoon when I cut my wrist and you messaged me on msn. For not taking my answer of nothing is wrong. For caring enough to presist and then caring enough to make me stop before there was no turning back. For telling me that if I was going to die then I owed you one last chat. I still remember that I chuckled and shook my head at your nerve for saying it.
From there you proceeded to beg, argue, reason, and give me every reason you could think of that I should live and I remember that I shot them all down. Well until you said the one thing that stopped me in my tracks you said something to me that no one else ever had. You said to me that I was selfish that all I was concerned with was my own pain and ending it. You said to me what about the pain I would cause others? I remember that I said that no one there really cared if I died or not. Then you responded what about me? Doesn't what I feel matter to you at all? Doesn't it matter to you that if you die I will feel pain at the loss of a friend? I have to admit I was shocked, I was awed and I was alive for the first time in years.
You told me that day that I could always come to you whenever I needed someone to talk too. That no matter what was bothering me that you would help me. You have never let me down not once. You took me into your home, and into your family. I call this a thank you note but how can you ever truly thank anyone that has given you back your life?
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