Thursday, November 20, 2008


My dreams lately have been so weird. Well I never had so called normal dreams but these are just weirder than normal for me. 

They have been a mixture of my life here, my life in Illinois and my life as a child and young adult. I usually wake up confused and out of sorts. I don't know what my mind is trying to tell me at all. They say that at least in part your dreams are influenced by your day to day life. Some say it is your subconcious trying to tell you something. If the latter is true I really wish it would make things a little clearer because I haven't a clue. 

It has always unsettled me to dream about people I know. I am not sure why that is but it is the way I have felt ever since i can remember. In my dreams i am usually searching for something though I don't know what. In all the years that I have had where I actually paid attention to my dreams I have never found it that I know of because every dream I am still searching. 

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