What did I learn? Well the class was Computer Literacy and so I learned that I really and truly hate Microsoft Excel. I am sorry Microsoft but I do and I will always hate it and spread sheets too while I am at it. I don't get it and to be honest I don't want to get it.
I also learned that I am better with a computer than I thought I was. I found out that I am better at graphic design than I thought I was. I was amazed to learn that others thought I was a great photographer. I was always being asked by other students if I did photography for a living. However it is a hobby, always has been a hobby and most likely will remain a hobby. I enjoy it way too much to ever want it to be like a job. I like taking pictures of what I want when I want.
My next class is Transitional English and so it should be enjoyable. I have always like English and studying the written word and I do love to write whenever I can. I really thought that going back to school at my age was going to be super difficult. Although it hasn't been super easy I found that I still have plenty of love for learning new things and being challenged. So far it has been a very positive experience and hopefully it will remain so.